Reducing JVM heap size, part 3: Manual memory management

— 12 min read

In this article we will look at different ways to figure out and fix unnecessary memory consumption by JVM. This is useful for JVM applications that store huge amount of data in memory and can help avoid OutOfMemoryError if application data cannot be partitioned and scaled horizontally.

In part 3, we will take a look on more advanced techniques used to reduce JVM heap size, which involves manual memory management.

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Reducing JVM heap size, part 2: Optimizing

— 12 min read

In this article we will look at different ways to figure out and fix unnecessary memory consumption by JVM. This is useful for JVM applications that store huge amount of data in memory and can help avoid OutOfMemoryError if application data cannot be partitioned and scaled horizontally.

In part 2, we will take a look on couple of techniques used to reduce JVM heap size.

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Reducing JVM heap size, part 1: Profiling

— 14 min read

In this series we will look at different ways to figure out and fix unnecessary memory consumption by JVM. This is useful for JVM applications that store huge amount of data in memory and can help avoid OutOfMemoryError if application data cannot be partitioned and scaled horizontally.

In part 1, let’s take a look on how to identify which objects are responsible for increased heap size.

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Jackson mix-ins

— 7 min read

Jackson mix-ins are crucial to clearly separate application layers according to the onion architecture (popularised further by Rob Martin), without code duplication and boilerplate. According to onion architecture marshalling would sit in infrastructure level and domain objects should not be dependent on messaging infrastructure.

Another important use case would be if you do not control source code for serialised objects, but rather import them as library. In this case it is impossible to annotate imported class.

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Getting started with Dropwizard

— 6 min read

Dropwizard is a framework for rapid application development. Dropwizard pulls and glues together Jetty application server, Jersey REST framework, Jackson for serialization/deserialization and a bunch of other libraries, so you have everything at hand to develop full-featured Java-based RESTful web-applications.

This tutorial will go through core Dropwizard components and how they are assembled together to have working Dropwizard application within munites.

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